Learn to Appreciate Yourself

Most of the time, we remember to congratulate other people’s accomplishments, to appreciate their actions and to celebrate the beauty we see in them. But how do we treat ourselves? Do we show ourselves the same care, love, and compassion that we show to the people around us?

The Benefits of Mindfulness for Children

We can help children maintain, develop, and deepen their open attitudes through mindfulness exercises. From this article, you can learn what you can do for this and the importance and benefits of mindfulness!

Sleep & Our Psychological Well-Being

Sleep can reflect a person’s psychological state, which is why it’s important to pay attention to what our sleep patterns are telling us. With disturbed sleep patterns, physiological problems such as aches, difficulty breathing, light and sound sensitivity can arise. Additionally, environmental factors like an uncomfortable bed or frequent consumption of caffeine, and a heavy workload can contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety.

Processing Your New Year’s Resolutions

The New Year can be an opportunity to make new decisions, set new goals, and make changes in your life. Sometimes at the beginning of the year, you may feel enthusiastic, hopeful, and determined to implement your new resolutions. You may also realize that it is difficult to stick to them. Here, you can find what you can do to process your New Year’s goals!