99 Results

How Can Meditation Improve Your Sex Life?

It might sound a little strange to read the words “sex” and “meditation” in the same sentence. Yet if we dig a little deeper, though, we can see how doing more of one may improve the other. In today’s post, we’ll cover how.


Hygge: The Danish Practice of Comforting the Soul During Winter

As we focus on staying positive during overcast winter weather, who better to learn from if not from the happiest people on earth, who coincidentally also have some of the worst weather in the world? There’s a lot we can learn and incorporate from the Danish and their practice of hygge.


How to Overcome Your Fear of Confrontation

Confrontation is one of our biggest fears! But it doesn’t have to be anymore. Here, we’ll talk about how we can get more comfortable with having uncomfortable confrontations.


Perfectionism: Not as Perfect as You’d Think

Lots of us claim to be perfectionists, but do we really know what makes a perfectionist, and even what perfectionism is? Let’s open the perfectionism file and take a deep-dive in.


What Are You Afraid of?

We’re all afraid of something. Yet how can we prevent our fears from controlling our decisions and holding us back from our full potential? In today’s blog, we’ll share the experiences of one of our users who worked through her fears to finally live the life she always wanted.


Ayurvedic Tips for Balanced Travel

Have you ever felt like you needed another ‘real’ vacation after your vacation? In today’s post, we’ll cover ways to stay in harmony with your body and mind while making the most out of your holiday so you don’t come home completely exhausted.


Morning Meditation Practice: Meet Yourself Before You Greet the World

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? For most of us, we scroll through our phones or immediately start rushing around. But what if for one week, or even one day, you started off your morning with a meditation? In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of starting your day with mindfulness.

woman meditating in nature

The 5 Most Common Obstacles to Meditation

Despite all of the well-known benefits of meditation, just as with exercise or healthy eating, it’s hard to adopt as a long-term habit. Here we’ll go through the 5 most common obstacles and how to overcome them.


My Life Has Been Turned Upside Down | How Do I Handle It?

In today’s article, we’ll look at the most appropriate attitude to carry during periods of chaos and, also, how to develop our ability to face change throughout our life.