99 Results

Why Self-Love Starts with Self-Compassion

Wondering how to make decisions or behave with understanding, serenity, patience, and acceptance? Discover why self-compassion is a great tool for resilience and self-love.


The Longing for Connection

Why are we facing an epidemic of lonliness? Is it really loneliness we suffer from? Or are we just unable to understand and embrace solitude?


It’s Not Your Fault: Why You’re in an Emotionally Abusive Relationship

If you’re in an abusive relationship, there’s one thing you absolutely need to understand: It’s not your fault. Here’s why.


We Suck at Comforting People: How Do We Do Better?

What do when we don’t know what to say? Honestly, comforting our loved ones is more about what we do rather than what we say.


Ideal Times of the Day to Meditate

Meditation is a very deep, personal journey. So, there is no “right” time to meditate. There’s only what’s right for you.


What Is Mindfulness?

One of the buzzwords we always hear these days is ‘mindfulness’ and carrying out daily habits ‘mindfully’. Though what does mindfulness really mean?

meditation near lake

How Meditation Changes the Brain

Resarch shows editation physically changes the human brain, so much so you can actually see it. Here’s how!


What Thoughts Prevent You from Meditating?

Actually, it’s very easy to ensure sustainability in meditation because it is as easy as raising awareness during the day


Is Happiness Always Around the Corner?

When we look for happiness in fantasies, we miss out life. So how can we experience the happiness we have in the moment?