woman covering her face

Calm Amidst the Chaos: Finding Inner Stillness During Stressful Times

How we can cope with mass anxiety and other challenging emotions? Understanding what you feel and accepting those feelings is key. Take a step towards finding inner peace with a guided meditation.

Embracing Nature for Winter Well-being

Colder temperatures, shorter days and barren landscapes… As the weather changes, why not change your routine accordingly? Here are some tips for staying connected to nature during winter to ensure your well-being.

Ayurvedic Tips for Balanced Travel

Have you ever felt like you needed another ‘real’ vacation after your vacation? In today’s post, we’ll cover ways to stay in harmony with your body and mind while making the most out of your holiday so you don’t come home completely exhausted.

Blue Light at Bedtime: How Smartphones Might Be Causing Your Insomnia

Look away from the light! That is, if you want to finally get a good night’s sleep. Learn how blue light can negatively impact your sleeping patterns and practical changes you can make starting today.

Morning Meditation Practice: Meet Yourself Before You Greet the World

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? For most of us, we scroll through our phones or immediately start rushing around. But what if for one week, or even one day, you started off your morning with a meditation? In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of starting your day with mindfulness.

Vulnerability and Asking for Support as Mothers

As mothers, when did it become a point of shame to ask for help? When did the old adage “it takes a village” morph into “I can do it all”? In today’s article, we’ll consider how, as mothers, we must learn to ask for support in order to be capable of being our best selves.