15 inspirational quotes

15 Inspirational Quotes

Get inspired by 15 inspirational quotes. You can put these quotes in your notebook, put them on your phone background and be inspired and reminded during the day.

Does Meditation Really Mean Shutting Off Your Toughts?

Meditation doesn’t mean stopping thinking. Let’s dive into the meditation vs thinking dilemma and learn what meditation can teach us about the actions of your mind.

How Meditation Transformed My View Of Myself

In just 8 weeks one Meditopia member was able to transform one of her biggest emotional hurdles and she’s offered to tell her story.

Mindfulness Makes for More Mindful Sex

Mindful sex is an essential way of overcoming problems with intimacy and enjoyment during sex.

What Thoughts Prevent You from Meditating?

Actually, it’s very easy to ensure sustainability in meditation because it is as easy as raising awareness during the day