15 Inspirational Quotes

Get inspired by 15 inspirational quotes. You can put these quotes in your notebook, put them on your phone background and be inspired and reminded during the day.

1. Right now, remind yourself of the value of the people who bring love and faith to your life.

We sometimes cannot appreciate what we have while we have it. Who brings intimacy, love and trust to your life? Take some time to remind yourself that their presence makes you happy. Can you try to be more careful in your relationships with those people?

Right now, remind yourself of the value of the people who bring love and faith to your life.

2. You are right here, in this moment and this is good enough.

The past has already past. The future is yet to come. Right now, you are here, in this moment and it is good enough. Do you realize that you miss out on life every moment your mind swings between the past and the future?

You are right here, in this moment and this is good enough.

3. Others thoughts do not define who you are.

Just as you don’t have control over what others think about you, you are also not limited to their thoughts about you. Our judgments are shaped according to the window through which we look at life; it does not always reflect the truth. Can you remind yourself of this when you doubt yourself?

Others thoughts do not define who you are.

4. When you show more love to yourself and your loved ones, you enlighten more areas in your life.

When we love, we open our hearts to others–sharing, loving and being loved more. Like Erich Fromm said, love is a deep interest for something else. This interest nourishes and enlarges our soul. How would you like to share this light with yourself today?

When you show more love to yourself and your loved ones, you enlighten more areas in your life.

5. Peace of mind is not gained through the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it.

There is an incredibly soothing feeling that comes along with the knowledge that no matter what adversity you may face in the future, you have the skills and mindset to overcome it and rise above. Without these coping skills, we constantly fear situations we know we can’t handle. What are some of the skills you utilize to manage stress?

Peace of mind is not gained through the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it.

6. Take a deep breath and feel the natural joy of life, of being alive.

It is possible to feel joy and pleasure in every single moment. Just that you are able to breathe and to feel is to be full of life. You can expand your capacity for taking pleasure in the moment by focusing on the flow of your breath and the liveliness in your body. Can you take small breaks in the day to experience this?

Take a deep breath and feel the natural joy of life, of being alive.

7. You may change with every moment and you may enjoy the new things that life brings.

Every moment old cells die away and new ones come into existence. Everything changes from moment to moment, and the old fades away, making space for the new. Can you accept this flow of life?

You may change with every moment and you may enjoy the new things that life brings.

8. Every moment is an opportunity to choose happiness. Right now, what makes you feel at peace?

Happiness does not exist outside of us, but it is rather a choice we can make at any moment. It may not always be easy to make this choice; yet, you can try little by little to walk along this path. Notice every single thing that makes you feel good throughout the day and be grateful for those beautiful feelings.

Every moment is an opportunity to choose happiness. Right now, what makes you feel at peace?

9. How about turning the light you shine on others onto yourself, and offering that understanding to yourself today?

It is possible to feel joy and delight in any given moment. Just being able to breathe and to feel is a reason to be happy. You can increase your capacity for pleasure with every moment by focusing on your breath, on the livelihood of your body. Can you take small breaks within the day to experience this?

How about turning the light you shine on others onto yourself, and offering that understanding to yourself today?

10. Being at peace means being a good friend to yourself.

Many of us grow up learning to treat others sensitively and kindly. When we learn to direct this attention and compassion towards ourselves, our inner peace and our happiness grows. Sooner or later, this understanding and softness expands and spreads. Are there times when you notice you are being too harsh with yourself? In times like this, what would change if you could soften your attitude and the tone of your inner voice?

Being at peace means being a good friend to yourself.

11. Who brings intimacy, love and trust to your life?

We sometimes cannot appreciate what we have while we have it. Who brings intimacy, love and trust to your life? Take some time to remind yourself that their presence makes you happy. Can you try to be more careful in your relationships with those people?

Who brings intimacy, love and trust to your life?

12. Today, how about trying to focus on the present with care and attention, and then notice how your day has changed?

You can only have an effect on this moment; not the past or the future. Your future will be shaped by the choices and decisions you make right now. Your actions in this moment will define the future. For this reason, whatever you are doing right now, give it all your care and attention. And then observe, what does life bring when you do this?

Today, how about trying to focus on the present with care and attention, and then notice how your day has changed?

13. When you feel tired, give yourself some time to rest.

Some days we feel motivated, but others we feel like we’re out of gas and ready to drop. Sometimes we feel full of joy, while other times we find shelter in calm. We are humans — we get tired. It’s your right to rest. You don’t have to rush all the time. Now, in this very moment, in which area of your life do you feel the need to slow down or rest?

When you feel tired, give yourself some time to rest.

14. Look at your dreams, and watch them grow and develop over the course of your life.

Your dreams are not simply things to tick off on a list. All the steps you take towards making them come true are part of a journey full of hope and joy. If there are moments when you think your dreams are unattainable, you can always look back and see how far you’ve come. What steps can you take today to achieve your goals and increase your motivation?

 Look at your dreams, and watch them grow and develop over the course of your life.

15. Taking little breaks for activities that calm your mind and soul can make your entire day more beautiful.

Life isn’t just about work, hustling, and achieving goals. Sometimes we need to allow our bodies and mind to rest and recover through a fun hobby, a quick getaway, or even just some time at home relaxing. What is something you do to unwind?

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