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Processing Your New Year’s Resolutions

The New Year can be an opportunity to make new decisions, set new goals, and make changes in your life. Sometimes at the beginning of the year, you may feel enthusiastic, hopeful, and determined to implement your new resolutions. You may also realize that it is difficult to stick to them. Here, you can find what you can do to process your New Year’s goals!

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The Upcoming New Year: Hope, Flexibility, Humor, and Compassion

A new year is coming. This past year may have been difficult. Perhaps you experienced anxiety or fear. As we move into the new year, we can center our dreams for the future and determine what is worth holding onto and what no longer serves us. Here are some strategies for how to approach this new year with compassion and hope.

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How to Nourish Your Romantic Relationships During the Pandemic

The pandemic has led to many changes in our lives. While trying to adapt to a new order, many of us have struggled with redefining our relationships. You may be experiencing difficulties adapting both yourself and your relationship to the new normal. Here, you can learn more about the possible effect of the pandemic on your relationships, and what you can do about it.

life in autumn

Your Emotions during the Transition from Summer to Autumn

Adapting to change is difficult for many of us. You may find the transition from summer to autumn particularly hard. Meanwhile, the whole world is trying to adapt to a disorienting ‘new normal’. So it’s completely natural to find this period challenging. In this article, you’ll find tips to help treat yourself with compassion by taking a closer look at your feelings.

face masks for covid

The Psychological Experience of the Pandemic

You may have experienced both mental and physical changes during the pandemic. It’s normal to feel fear or anxiety as well as the physiological effects of stress during difficult times. In this article, you’ll find scientific evidence about how we adapt to abnormal situations, and learn how to cope better with difficult emotions such as anxiety and stress.

girl walking in nature

Looking for Balance in the New Normal

Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, despite the overwhelming changes we have faced, we have all somehow adapted to the situation, each in our own way. Now, though, our desire to get ‘back to normal’ gets stronger every day. The irony is that many of the things that we consider normal are now potentially dangerous. “What is ‘the new normal’? How am I supposed to adjust to it?” Let’s take a closer look at these questions.


Are All Our Thoughts Real?

Have you ever noticed that we act and live according to our own beliefs and story? In this article, we’ll discover that none of us can always be objective, and instead find a path to open and kind communication, taking into account our differences.


Anxiety and the Re-Opening Process

In this period of transition that we are going through, explore how you can approach change and the emotions that come with it with mindfulness.


How Can We Refocus on What Matters the Most?

Are you ready to ask yourself real questions to better understand who you really are, what you really want in life and what your goals are? This is exactly what this article will help you do!