7 Steps to Meditating Anywhere

One of the best things about meditation is that you can practice it anywhere, anytime, whenever you need or want to. In this article, you will find 7 steps to help you start meditating anywhere!
meditating woman

One of the best things about meditation is that you can practice it anywhere, anytime, whenever you need or want to. In this article, you will find 7 steps to help you start meditating anywhere!

couple meditating

1. Choose a place to meditate

If you can, choose a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed while you meditate.

If this isn’t possible, that’s okay: don’t let this stop you from meditating since meditating just means being present in the here and now, no matter where you are. 

If you have headphones, you can put them on as a signal to the people around you not to disturb you, or you can simply let them know that you shouldn’t be disturbed for a few minutes.

2. Set a timer

This may seem like a mere technicality, but it’s actually really important. Using a timer will allow you to stop worrying about one of the most stressful aspects of daily life: what time it is, the amount of time you have left, your schedule…

Think about how long you want your session to last, and remember that the more time you meditate the better! But even a very short session is beneficial! Take time to meditate even if you only have 3 minutes of free time ahead of you. Even this short a session will help get you back on your feet for the rest of the day.

3. If you want to follow a guided meditation, have it ready ahead of time

Decide if you want to follow a guided meditation using your favorite meditation app, for example, or if you would rather meditate in silence.

For a guided meditation, choose a session in line with your needs and the amount of time you have to meditate. If you use Meditopia you can pick a meditation based on your current mood, feelings or even a subject that you find particularly interesting at the moment. 

4. Find a good position to meditate

Now it’s time to get settled. Do the best you can considering your location: sit down, lie down or do a walking meditation, depending on where you are.

Make yourself as comfortable as possible. Relax your shoulders, the tension in your face – relax your forehead, your cheeks, your nose, your jaws – all the tense muscles in your body. 

If you have time, do a body scan and go through each of your body parts. Relax all your limbs one by one, starting from your feet going up towards your skull. 

If you have decided to follow a guided meditation you can either follow steps 5 and 6 before listening to it, or you can start listening to it and skip straight to step 7.

woman meditating in the garden

5. Connect to the here and now

Once you have settled and relaxed all your muscles, it’s time to be fully present.

You already started to settle into the here and now in the previous step. Now it’s time to connect with your environment. 

What sounds do you hear? What do you see? What do you smell? How is the temperature?

Next, connect to your inner world: How do you feel? What are your current thoughts and feelings? Take note of your current inner state without judging it, merely as a witness.

Peace of mind for your colleagues

6.Connect with your breath and allow your thoughts to float by

Now it’s time to connect to your breath. First, simply be aware of its rhythm and depth. Notice if you are breathing from your chest or your abdomen. Don’t change anything for now, just observe. 

After a few breaths, start lengthening the time it takes you to breathe in and the time it takes for you to breathe out. You can gradually make your breaths last longer, with your exhalations lasting longer than your inhalations. 

Stay present with your breath throughout the meditation.

As thoughts come up, accept them and let them float by, like clouds above a grounded and solid mountain. Don’t let yourself follow your thoughts, and don’t judge them either. Be conscious of them, yet stay present in the moment.

Continue to stay focused on your breath until the end of your meditation. 

7. Start connecting with your environment again to return to your activities

Once your guided or silent meditation is over, get back in touch with your environment. 

Open your eyes if they have been closed, and look around you slowly. Move your feet, your hands, your head. Stretch as much as you need to.

Take advantage of this moment of transition to the present. Savor this moment of relaxation before getting back to your activities. 

I hope that this short guide to meditating anywhere will help you to enjoy meditating on business trips, vacation, at work or anywhere else! 

Now, let us know in the comments: when do you most strongly feel the need to meditate? Will you be able to apply these steps when you feel that need?

Translated by: Stella Debiaggi

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