Find Meaning


How to Make Peace with the Past and Move Forward

Why is making peace with your past so important? What does forgiveness bring us? How do we stop suffering due to our past and instead turn our previous experiences into a source of strength? In this article, let’s explore the answers to these questions in-depth.


Re-Learning How to Follow Your Intuition

We’ve become so used to thinking before we act, choosing caution over impulsivity, and reason over spontaneity. But is it possible that we have learned to overthink and that it is to the detriment of our intuition?

children in front of the window

Supporting Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Practical tips and suggestions on how to best support our children during the COVID-19 Pandemic

man thinking

Can We Stop Ourselves from Being Happy?

While some people are always looking for ways to be happy, others forbid themselves to be. What brings certain people to believe that they should never be happy? How can we accept happiness in our lives in a healthy manner? These are the questions that we will attempt to answer in this article.

woman covering her face

Calm Amidst the Chaos: Finding Inner Stillness During Stressful Times

How we can cope with mass anxiety and other challenging emotions? Understanding what you feel and accepting those feelings is key. Take a step towards finding inner peace with a guided meditation.


Dealing with Divorce

Divorce. There’s rarely any easy way around it and it’s something that most of us have or will experience at some point in our lives. So how can we move through this experience without losing ourselves?


Projection Makes Perception

Everyone is your teacher on the spiritual path. Taking a huge inner step we realise that all our relationships are mirrors for what we believe separates us from love and that we are constantly being taught on the spiritual path. This insight can revolutionise your path.


What Are You Afraid of?

We’re all afraid of something. Yet how can we prevent our fears from controlling our decisions and holding us back from our full potential? In today’s blog, we’ll share the experiences of one of our users who worked through her fears to finally live the life she always wanted.


Dealing with Loneliness

Despite an ever-increasing number of ways to connect with other people, research is finding that more and more people feel lonely. So how can we cope with our loneliness? In today’s post, we’ll walk through some approaches to help you overcome feelings of loneliness.