

Perfectionism: Not as Perfect as You’d Think

Lots of us claim to be perfectionists, but do we really know what makes a perfectionist, and even what perfectionism is? Let’s open the perfectionism file and take a deep-dive in.


Am I In a Healthy Relationship?

What signs should I look for to determine whether my romantic relationship is healthy or whether I should worry about it? In this article we will go over the elements that are necessary for a healthy relationship based on respect and reciprocity. Love is, of course, one of the essential ingredients necessary for a blossoming relationship, but it is not the only one to take into account when deciding whether we should stay in the relationship with our partner.


What Are You Afraid of?

We’re all afraid of something. Yet how can we prevent our fears from controlling our decisions and holding us back from our full potential? In today’s blog, we’ll share the experiences of one of our users who worked through her fears to finally live the life she always wanted.


Three Top Tips to Have an Enjoyable Christmas Holidays with No Stress

Christmas is stressful. This seems to be an accepted fact. But does it have to be this way? On one


Dealing with Loneliness

Despite an ever-increasing number of ways to connect with other people, research is finding that more and more people feel lonely. So how can we cope with our loneliness? In today’s post, we’ll walk through some approaches to help you overcome feelings of loneliness.


How to Develop Spiritual Intimacy in a Sexual Relationship

Deep intimacy is something we nearly all crave in our sexual relationships. Here we explore how we can develop this spiritual intimacy in our sexual relationships using meditation and other practical techniques.


Ayurvedic Tips for Balanced Travel

Have you ever felt like you needed another ‘real’ vacation after your vacation? In today’s post, we’ll cover ways to stay in harmony with your body and mind while making the most out of your holiday so you don’t come home completely exhausted.

woman in busy city life

The Mindful Art of Doing Nothing (While Living a Busy Life in the City)

How could doing nothing be a thing? And how is it possible to do nothing while living in a city and leading a busy life? In today’s article, we’ll discuss the ancient art of doing nothing and its benefits to your mental and physical well-being.


How to Develop Compassion for Others and Accept Them Exactly Where They Are

Have you ever been frustrated by the behaviour of others? The family members who just can’t accept how you now