meditation techniques

hand opened up to sky in a forest

Expressing Our Emotions During Meditation

Is it normal to experience sudden sensations during meditation? Can you experience physical reactions to your feelings? What should you do when these feelings arise? In this article, you will explore how emotions relate to thoughts and how this relationship takes shape as we get to know our minds better.

meditating woman

7 Steps to Meditating Anywhere

One of the best things about meditation is that you can practice it anywhere, anytime, whenever you need or want to. In this article, you will find 7 steps to help you start meditating anywhere!

meditating with family

What’s Holding You Back from Giving Meditation a Shot?

We all lead hectic lives, and we can forget that meditation is a great way to help us slow down. So what’s holding you back from starting to meditate? Learn more about the common obstacles to meditation, the benefits of meditation, and some easy ways to get started!