
girl walking in nature

Looking for Balance in the New Normal

Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, despite the overwhelming changes we have faced, we have all somehow adapted to the situation, each in our own way. Now, though, our desire to get ‘back to normal’ gets stronger every day. The irony is that many of the things that we consider normal are now potentially dangerous. “What is ‘the new normal’? How am I supposed to adjust to it?” Let’s take a closer look at these questions.

meditating with family

What’s Holding You Back from Giving Meditation a Shot?

We all lead hectic lives, and we can forget that meditation is a great way to help us slow down. So what’s holding you back from starting to meditate? Learn more about the common obstacles to meditation, the benefits of meditation, and some easy ways to get started!


How to Eat Mindfully

Do you find it hard to find or maintain a diet that works for you? It’s normal for our eating habits to vary over time. In this article, you will find tips to help you examine your relationship with food with greater awareness.


Are All Our Thoughts Real?

Have you ever noticed that we act and live according to our own beliefs and story? In this article, we’ll discover that none of us can always be objective, and instead find a path to open and kind communication, taking into account our differences.


How to Disconnect and Actually Enjoy Your Summer

The summer holidays are starting! It’s time to take time off and recharge yourself to the fullest. Learn how to have a restorative holiday.


Anxiety and the Re-Opening Process

In this period of transition that we are going through, explore how you can approach change and the emotions that come with it with mindfulness.


How Can We Refocus on What Matters the Most?

Are you ready to ask yourself real questions to better understand who you really are, what you really want in life and what your goals are? This is exactly what this article will help you do!


5 Meditation Stories to Help Children Unload Their Worries

‘How can I support my child? How can I understand what my child is going through?’ If these questions have been on your mind, and if you’ve been looking for ways to help your child with their worries and concerns, then this is the article for you. In it, you’ll find 5 different exercises that have proven successful in helping your child to visualize what is bothering them. And all you need is a comfortable, quiet spot.


Are You Aware That You’re Grieving?

One of the most prominent feelings we’re experiencing in these difficult times is grief. How are you approaching any emotions like disappointment that you may be feeling about the loss of your daily life and plans? This article offers some tips on how you can open up space for and start to deal with feelings like grief regarding these extraordinary times.