
man thinking

Can We Stop Ourselves from Being Happy?

While some people are always looking for ways to be happy, others forbid themselves to be. What brings certain people to believe that they should never be happy? How can we accept happiness in our lives in a healthy manner? These are the questions that we will attempt to answer in this article.

woman covering her face

Calm Amidst the Chaos: Finding Inner Stillness During Stressful Times

How we can cope with mass anxiety and other challenging emotions? Understanding what you feel and accepting those feelings is key. Take a step towards finding inner peace with a guided meditation.


How Can Meditation Improve Your Sex Life?

It might sound a little strange to read the words “sex” and “meditation” in the same sentence. Yet if we dig a little deeper, though, we can see how doing more of one may improve the other. In today’s post, we’ll cover how.


Hygge: The Danish Practice of Comforting the Soul During Winter

As we focus on staying positive during overcast winter weather, who better to learn from if not from the happiest people on earth, who coincidentally also have some of the worst weather in the world? There’s a lot we can learn and incorporate from the Danish and their practice of hygge.

woman sleeping

Rediscovering Sleep

If you’re like me or most people, you have probably experienced difficulty sleeping. You may not experience problems all the


How to Overcome Your Fear of Confrontation

Confrontation is one of our biggest fears! But it doesn’t have to be anymore. Here, we’ll talk about how we can get more comfortable with having uncomfortable confrontations.


Dealing with Divorce

Divorce. There’s rarely any easy way around it and it’s something that most of us have or will experience at some point in our lives. So how can we move through this experience without losing ourselves?


Embracing Nature for Winter Well-being

Colder temperatures, shorter days and barren landscapes… As the weather changes, why not change your routine accordingly? Here are some tips for staying connected to nature during winter to ensure your well-being.


Projection Makes Perception

Everyone is your teacher on the spiritual path. Taking a huge inner step we realise that all our relationships are mirrors for what we believe separates us from love and that we are constantly being taught on the spiritual path. This insight can revolutionise your path.