
woman in busy city life

The Mindful Art of Doing Nothing (While Living a Busy Life in the City)

How could doing nothing be a thing? And how is it possible to do nothing while living in a city and leading a busy life? In today’s article, we’ll discuss the ancient art of doing nothing and its benefits to your mental and physical well-being.


How to Develop Compassion for Others and Accept Them Exactly Where They Are

Have you ever been frustrated by the behaviour of others? The family members who just can’t accept how you now


Blue Light at Bedtime: How Smartphones Might Be Causing Your Insomnia

Look away from the light! That is, if you want to finally get a good night’s sleep. Learn how blue light can negatively impact your sleeping patterns and practical changes you can make starting today.


Chronotype Test: Understand & Sleep Better

Are you someone who loves waking early or do you like to sleep in? Are you a night owl or a morning person? These all depend on your chronotype; so in today’s post, we’ll determine exactly what our chronotype is to help you start getting better quality sleep.


Morning Meditation Practice: Meet Yourself Before You Greet the World

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? For most of us, we scroll through our phones or immediately start rushing around. But what if for one week, or even one day, you started off your morning with a meditation? In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of starting your day with mindfulness.

woman meditating in nature

The 5 Most Common Obstacles to Meditation

Despite all of the well-known benefits of meditation, just as with exercise or healthy eating, it’s hard to adopt as a long-term habit. Here we’ll go through the 5 most common obstacles and how to overcome them.


My Life Has Been Turned Upside Down | How Do I Handle It?

In today’s article, we’ll look at the most appropriate attitude to carry during periods of chaos and, also, how to develop our ability to face change throughout our life.

man standing in the dark

Quit Smoking with the Help of Meditation

An increasing number of studies show how meditation can help smokers quit smoking. But why? Here we’ll cover the different ways meditation can help you determine the root cause of this bad habit.


Vulnerability and Asking for Support as Mothers

As mothers, when did it become a point of shame to ask for help? When did the old adage “it takes a village” morph into “I can do it all”? In today’s article, we’ll consider how, as mothers, we must learn to ask for support in order to be capable of being our best selves.